【德國認證矯形鞋技術專家大師Master Karsten RIECHE第3回諮詢日-免費足部及下肢檢查-將於11月14,15及16日舉行】
|Room A6, 3/F, Block A, Cheung Mei Centre
GERMAN CERTIFIED Orthopaedic Shoe Technician Meister Solve Your Foot and Footwear Problems

2023年11月14日 上午10:00 [GMT+8] – 2023年11月16日 下午7:00 [GMT+8]
Room A6, 3/F, Block A, Cheung Mei Centre, 15 Hing Yip St, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
【德國認證矯形鞋技術專家大師Master Karsten RIECHE第3回諮詢日-免費足部及下肢檢查-將於11月14,15及16日舉行】
【2023年復活第3回脚部及鞋履諮詢日-免費足部及下肢檢查-11月14,15 及16日】
"Nature’s Walk" 處方全訂製矯形鞋和處方全訂製足部矯形器/鞋墊如何創造「步行之奇蹟」,令每位足患都能重拾自信再次邁步向前?
Master RIECHE 必定會先進行以下四步:
i. 聆聽客戶需要,檢查及了解客戶足部問題根源
ii. 為客戶製作足底拓印,從而了解其獨特腳形
iii. 仔細觀察腳掌、足指、足踝、膝蓋及每個關節的動態
v. 檢查腳長是否平衡 - 足患可能會令背部及盤骨位置傾斜,都說雙腳是身體的基礎與本源嘛!
其後,Master RIECHE 便會跟據以上步驟所取得的數據為客戶建議度身訂造的步行方案,包括以下任何一項或相應的組合:
A. 處方全訂製矯形鞋解決方案 –
適合足踝需要支援人士,例如:足下垂、足內翻、足外翻,腳踝問題,半身不遂 (中風、脊髓灰質炎),足部截肢。
B. 處方全訂製足部矯形器/鞋墊解決方案 –
i. 處方全訂製定制足部矯形器/鞋墊 (+現成鞋履)
ii. 處方半訂製足部矯形器/鞋墊 (+現成鞋履)
C. 鞋履後加工解決方案 (選擇性) –
徳国認證矯形鞋技術専家大師Mr. Karsten RIECHE 將於 11月14・15・16日再度親臨香港舉行諮詢日,於香港ayumi Gallery 相連的香港工作室及諮詢室。
WhatsApp +852 9236-0696 或
【German Certified Orthopedic Shoe Technical Master Karsten RIECHE’s 3rd consultation day - Foot and Lower Limb Health Checks - will be held on November 14, 15 and 16】
【2023 Resurrection 3rd Foot and Shoe Consultation Day-Free Foot and Lower Limb Examination-November 14, 15 and 16】
"Walking Miracle" is coming to Hong Kong and there are Hong Kong customer testimonials!
How can "Nature’s Walk" fully-prescribed orthopedic shoes and fully-prescribed foot orthotics/insoles create the "miracle of walking" so that every foot patient can regain confidence and walk forward again?
In fact, each miracle is performed by a German certified master of orthopedic shoe technology.
Master RIECHE must first perform the following four steps:
i. Listen to customers’ needs, examine and undersand the root cause of customers’ foot problems
ii. Make Foot Print for customer's to understand their unique foot shape
iii. Carefully observe the dynamics of the soles of the feet, toes, ankles, knees and each joint
v. Check whether the foot length is balanced - foot problems may cause the back and pelvis to tilt. It is said that the feet qre the foundation of our entire body! Our feet affect our entire bodies.
Then, Master RIECHE will recommend a tailor-made walking plan for the customer based on the data obtained in the above steps, including any one of the following or a corresponding combination:
A. Completely customized Prescription Orthopedic Shoe solutions –
Suitable for people who need foot and ankle support, such as foot drop, foot inversion, foot valgus, ankle problems, hemiplegia (stroke, polio), foot amputation.
B. Completely customized Prescription Foot Orthotics/Insole solutions –
i. Fully prescribed custom-made foot orthotics/insole (+ off-the-shelf shoes)
Suitable for people suffering from severe pain and deformity, such as: plantar fasciitis, arch pain, forefoot pain, front knee pain, O-shaped feet, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic feet.
ii. Prescription semi-customized Foot Orthotics/Insole (+ off-the-shelf shoes) solutions
Suitable for people with sole pain, such as: hallux valgus, thick calluses, corns, X-shaped feet
C. Prescription Footwear Finishing solutions (optional) –
Suitable for people with joint problems such as toes, ankles, knees, hips and long and short feet.
Mr. Karsten RIECHE, a German Certified Orthopedic Shoe Technician Master, will come to Hong Kong again to hold a consultation day on November 14, 15 and 16, at the Hong Kong Workshop and Consultation room connected to the ayumi Gallery in Hong Kong.
Long-term focus on local customer needs.
The consultation day is limited to 8 people per day.
Please note that reservations for consultation sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you are interested, please click the link below and fill out the form to make a reservation.
WhatsApp +852 9236-0696 or
Please click the link below for more information.